
Vol 1 No. 33 November 11, 2022

Cultivate Critical Thinking

Vol 1 No. 33 November 11, 2022

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Hi NTI Learner,

In a world where we’re constantly overwhelmed with fake news and advertising, it isn’t easy to separate facts from fiction. Cultivate one of life’s most valuable skills, critical thinking. NTI-Coursera has short courses that help you harness your ability to analyse what you hear, see, read and experience so that you can make informed personal and professional decisions.

A Reminder to Always Think Before You Click

Recommended Courses

Click on any Course below to Register and Enroll


University of Hong Kong - Beginner Level - Approx. 15 hours to complete

Develop your critical thinking skills to better identify reliable information in news reports and to become better informed about the world in which we live.

The State University of New York - Beginner Level - Approx. 8 hours to complete

Today, biased views often replace facts. This course will help you gain insights to recognise your own biases and identify preconceptions in today’s dynamic social information environment.

University of California - Beginner Level - Approx. 8 hours to complete

With massive changes in our world that seem to create the most difficult of circumstances, both personally and professionally, this course can help you develop your skills as a critical thinker and problem solver.

University of Leeds - Beginner Level - Approx. 4 hours to complete

Learn techniques and strategies that help you to learn effectively online as part of developing your knowledge, skills, training or continuing professional development.


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