Vol 2 No. 9 March 3, 2023
Hi NTI Learner,
Diversity and inclusion are about empowering people by respecting and appreciating what makes them different. This week starts our Month of the Disabled, known internationally as Disability Awareness Month. The more we learn about inclusivity, the more transformative solutions we can create to build a better future together. Enrol in any of the 4 top-rated courses below to help you understand diversity in yourself and others.
Recommended Courses
Click on any Course below to Register and Enroll

NTI - Beginner Level - Approx. 12 hours to complete
Sign Language interpreter Bonnie Leonce and member of the Deaf community Lionel Smith will walk you through the fundamentals of American Sign Language (ASL).
ESSEC Business School - Beginner Level - Approx. 10 hours to complete
You’ll understand the dynamics of diversity so that you can better channel the diversity potential in your workplace for greater performance and innovation.
University of Colorado - Beginner Level - Approx. 21 hours to complete
This course will empower and equip you to develop inclusive cultures where everyone feels valued and respected.
University of California Davis - Beginner Level - Approx. 12 hours to complete
You’ll learn the success skills of self and relationship management as well as awareness and empathy for others.