Vol 2 No. 57 February 02, 2024
Hi NTI Learner,
Ready for a brighter tomorrow? It starts with the work you put in today. It’s easy to get caught up in what we wish we did differently, but the key lies in what comes next. Maybe you didn’t prioritise saving before or maybe you didn’t have the opportunity to learn about money management. That’s alright! You have a free opportunity right now to take that next step in your financial journey. Learn practical tips on saving, debt and risk management from the courses below so that you can make informed decisions to reach your goals.

“It’s About What You Do Next”
Tune into this week’s NTI Midweek Mindset to hear from the Financial FITsician, Tennycia Gill. She breaks down the steps required for a better financial future in a realistic way. With nine years of experience as an Insurance Professional and Financial Advisor, Tennycia shares her insights about long-term saving, retirement planning and insurance. Listen in for some down-to-earth talk and solid advice on reaching your financial goals.
Recommended Courses
Click on any Course below to Register and Enroll

NTI - Beginner Level - Approx. 11 hours to complete
SoFi - Beginner Level - Approx. 8 hours to complete
SoFi - Beginner Level - Approx. 9 hours to complete
SoFi - Beginner Level - Approx. 9 hours to complete