Think before you click! Fake news spreads rapidly across social media, but we have the power to stop it in its tracks. Watch the Barbados Broadcasting Authority’s (BBA) Think Before You Click Campaign, a response to national concern about the harmfulness of fake news.
Think Before You Click PSA

NTI is part of Government’s Retraining and Retooling programme (ReRe), itself a construct within The Barbados Economic Recovery and Transformation (BERT) Programme.
“The Re-Re Program, which involves the Retooling, Empowering, Retraining and Enfranchising of workers has to be at the core of the International Monetary Funded (IMF) program over the next four years. This is the next phase of the Barbados Economic Recovery and Transformation (BERT) program that is a comprehensive retraining of Barbadian workers in an effort to make the workforce “globally fit for purpose”.